November 29, 2024

CHESSMEN multi-stakeholder workshop: Main achievements and Report

The workshop was organised by work package 6, focused on best practices to address medicines shortages. Session 1 included a presentation by WP 6 of the mapping survey on best practices to address shortages, followed by the perspectives of European Union of General Practitioners (UEMO), the Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union (PGEU), the European Patients Forum and Medicines for Europe.
In session 2, representatives from work packages 5 (root causes of shortages), 7 (Digital information concept for reporting and monitoring shortages) and 8 (preventive and mitigation measures to combat medicines shortages) presented their main achievements so far, followed by presentations of EMA representatives on the guidance on shortage prevention and mitigation plans and on the guidances for regulators on communicating shortages to the public and on preventing shortages for healthcare professional and patient organisations.
Participants highlighted that all interlocutors have a common responsibility for preventing and mitigating shortages. Improved cooperation between national authorities and effective communication with key stakeholders in the supply chain, healthcare professionals and patients can contribute to more efficient and effective shortage management across the EU.

Report is available here.
Photographies of the event on the CHESSMEN LinkedIn account.

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