June 3, 2024

CHESSMEN Joint Action: AEMPS welcomes National Competent Authorities to address medicine shortage management strategies

From May 22 to 24, 2024, the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices (AEMPS) welcomed representatives from the Portuguese National Authority of Medicines and Health Products, I.P. (INFARMED, I.P.), the Slovenian Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices (JAZMP), and the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) for a 3-day study visit. As part of the ongoing joint action CHESSMEN, this visit marked a significant step forward towards the harmonization and achievement of the CHESSMEN goals. Its primary objective was to gain comprehensive insights into the methodologies and procedures implemented by AEMPS for monitoring and managing medicine shortages. This exchange of information among National Competent Authorities provides a valuable opportunity for each participant to learn about and adopt best practices within the Union, thus facilitating collaborative approaches to addressing common challenges.

The agenda covered various aspects regarding the Spanish pharmaceutical landscape. Key highlights from the meeting included the electronic tools and platforms available, the management, prevention and mitigation strategies, the public report of shortages and data transparency.

The study visit underscored the importance of international collaboration through the CHESSMEN joint action.

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