Online, November 27, 2024

CHESSMEN hosted a Multi-Stakeholder Workshop on November 27, 2024

This event will include sessions from the technical work packages and aims to advance discussions on the findings and preliminary conclusions from nearly two years of efforts to harmonise the response to medicines shortages in Europe.

The Workshop objectives:

To discuss the current state, key findings and preliminary conclusions of all 4 technical Work Packages after almost 2 years of work on a harmonised response to medicines shortages. 

To gather feedback from stakeholders on the recommendations from findings of the mapping survey on monitoring, reporting, and managing medicine shortages.

The workshop will start at 10:00 am (CET) , with an introductory welcome from Mr. Momir Radulović (JAZMP, SI) and opening remarks by Mr. Domenico Di Giorgio (AIFA, IT). The event will proceed with two main sessions:

- Session 1: Best practices in reporting and managing medicine shortages. This session will include the introduction of WP6’s mapping survey findings and short presentations from key stakeholders, including representatives from UEMO, PGEU, EPF, and Medicines for Europe.

-  Session 2: Main achievements of CHESSMEN. Presentations will cover the analyses of root causes of medicine shortages, the digital information concept for the monitoring and reporting of medicine shortages, and prevention and mitigation measures, with contributions from representatives of the AEMPS, BfArM, Fimea, and EMA.

Each Session conclude with a Q&A.

Please find the complete agenda on

Check the meeting news in here.

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